Hi Everybody! Happy Thankful Thursday!
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! The challenge this week was to create a special note to be packed to your child's lunch pack for the first day of school.
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! The challenge this week was to create a special note to be packed to your child's lunch pack for the first day of school.
Gosh, I really loved this idea, I know I sent Cory off to school each year just as nervous as he was! All through grade school I always sent him off to school with his backpack filled to the brim with all his new school supplies and a new lunchbox and always sent him off with a little special note tucked inside. I will be honest, it was never a card or anything that fancy...just a simple post-it note.
Here is a series of little 3x3 notecards I created using some of Stamps by Judith stamps. Since my son is now 20 years old, I am not sure that he would appreciate a little note in his lunch bag anymore! Maybe you are never too old? Knowing Cory James, he would think that I have lost my mind! Anyhow.....I hope you enjoy these little notes and maybe it will inspire you to create a few!
Blog Candy to win!
Please take a moment to visit the other great artists on the Thankful Thursday Design Team too!
Heather (but I go by Ruby on my blog, it's explained there)

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