Dear Diary
Are you there God? It's me...Rock Girl
Although today was a non stop day, I did not accomplish exactly everything on my "to do" list. Well, honestly, I did not actaully asccomplish much at all. So God, I want to let you know that I appreciate that you have given me an additional day in the weekend for moments like these.
The morning was hectic and busy with the usual shopping for home stuff...nothing exciting really...dusting spray, toilet bowl cleaner, carpet spray, steel wool pads. Sadly, no scrapbook products today...although I did feel Hobby Lobby's gravitational pull as I drove by.
I took my son, Cory, to Super Dawgs for lunch today and really enjoyed our time together and especially the convo we had.
My family: Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Cory went to visit my Uncle Johnny in the afternoon. I am glad I made the choice to go visit. I will have no regrets. My Uncle Johnny is one of the most loving and caring human beings I have ever known and is truly a "good man". I love you Uncle Johnny! You are in my prayers!
I came home all ready to get Rockin and scrapin' but quickly realized how tired and exhausted I really was.
The phone seemed a little crazy this evening with calls ending and the phone ringing immediately with someone else to talk with.
I managed to make 2 creations for my Irish Blog Hop! And completed 1 page of Baby Will's album.
So I can't say I did not get anything done!
I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who has left such supportive and loving feedback on my recent creations! I am truly humble of the thoughtful comments and love! I am sure you can relate when I say that I am critical of all my creations...too much glitter here, not enough glitter there, too boring, too simple, too much......on and on!
Appreciating everyone that decided to become followers of Rock Girl Designs too! I hope I do not disappoint you and I hope you don't mind me posting about my life besides my crafts too. I enjoy sharing and hope you check in to Rock Girl Designs often to see all my updates.
Sunday's To Do List for this Rock Girl:
1. Complete 1 more project for the Irish Blog Hop
2. Complete 19 more pages for Baby Will's album
3. Clean the bathrooms
4. Dust the furniture
5. wash the kitchen floor
6. gather receipts for Crabby Cakes taxes (yuck!)
Like the little engine that could...I know I can. I know I can
Let me know how your plans are going so far!
Keep Rockin and Scrapin!
Rock Girl

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